Who We Are
Community-Cultivating Solutions through Leadership and Advocacy
The South King County Discipline Coalition's (SKCDC) mission is to end disproportionate discipline of students of color and interrupt the school to prison pipeline through anti-racist organizing, leadership development and advocacy strategies that center parents and youth directly affected. Our vision is that schools will shift away from exclusionary, punitive approaches to address student behavior, replacing them with restorative approaches that recognize the dignity and humanity of all and foster healthy, accountable relationships between schools, families, and the broader community. SKCDC defines success as developing parent and youth leadership and advocacy and supporting community-defined solutions to combat educational inequities experienced by youth and families of color. We will be successful by honoring and maintaining accountability to community. Consistent with SKCDC’s commitment to centering parents and youth in decision-making.
Contact South King County Discipline Coalition
1225 S Weller St Ste. 420Â
Seattle, WA 98144